We are delighted to launch our newest group thanks to funding from Community Foundation for Merseyside called Brighter Connections. This group will meet monthly at Cornerstone Church, Southport, PR9 9TL,…
Our High Park project is looking for local residents to provide feedback on the project so far as come towards the end of our initial five-year funding for the project.…
We are publishing our updated men’s group schedule for the July to September 2023 period. Please find this attached here. For more information please click here.
Brighter Living Partnership have been successful in obtaining funding from Merseyside Sports Partnership (MSP) and Sport England via the ‘Together Fund for Merseyside’ to deliver a broad range of physical…
Please find below the most up to date community centre table for April 2023, please check back regularly as activities update all of the time 🙂 Community centre timetable –…
Our updated schedule for our men’s group is now finalised, please see below for further information or call the office on 01704 517810. Men’s group schedule for April to June…
During the Christmas period 2022, Brighter Living Partnership like many other organisations from the voluntary, community and faith sector will be having a shutdown from Thursday 22nd December to Tuesday…